A downloadable game for Windows

This is a game developed by me to put into practice my knowledge of programming and knowledge of the Unreal Engine itself, and also for my portfolio.
In this game, in retro 2D Pixel Art style, you compete in a race against the machine to reach the finish line first, get ready to use up your keyboard a lot!
This game was developed following the teachings of the great Cobra Code in his course available on the Udemy website platform. For those interested, here is the link: https://www.udemy.com/share/1094bG3@pKM35Gw0JSe7WQmN1itRPP6M-URif49aMpIn7W-woJir...

Published 4 days ago
Tags2D, Pixel Art, Retro, Runner, Simple, Singleplayer


MashRunnerMiniGame.rar 232 MB

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